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Die Fledermaus 16:00
Die Fledermaus… @ Semperoper Dresden
Jan 1 @ 16:00 – 18:50
OPER Die Fledermaus Johann Strauß Lyrical comedy in three actsLibretto by Carl Haffner and Richard Genée after the vaudeville »Le Réveillon« by Henri Meilhac [...]
Die Fledermaus 19:00
Die Fledermaus… @ Semperoper Dresden
Jan 6 @ 19:00 – 21:50
OPER Die Fledermaus Johann Strauß Lyrical comedy in three actsLibretto by Carl Haffner and Richard Genée after the vaudeville »Le Réveillon« by Henri Meilhac [...]
Die Fledermaus 19:00
Die Fledermaus… @ Semperoper Dresden
Jan 14 @ 19:00 – 21:50
OPER Die Fledermaus Johann Strauß Lyrical comedy in three actsLibretto by Carl Haffner and Richard Genée after the vaudeville »Le Réveillon« by Henri Meilhac [...]